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Thursday, March 8, 2012

In conclusion, Sarawak food is so good...

 A visit to Kuching is not complete without a visit to the Orang Utan Sanctuary at Semenggoh.
 This is Ritchie, the boss of the orang utan in these parts.
 At Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks, located at Grd Floor,  Tun Jugah Mall, about 10 min walk from Tune Hotel/Kuching Hilton
This is their signature dish: Oyster noodles...oh..heavenly...
 Snack time! At the food court, end of waterfront, old market area. Beef noodles in soup, dry beef noodles, and at the top is 4 pieces of Sio Bee, Kuching's version of Siew Mai & a glass of soya bean milk.
 This is pork spare parts porridge at RM5.50 with everything. You won't find this on the menu, just ask for rm5.50, the cook will know what to do. Best porridge I ever had!
 This is where to find the RM5.50 porridge, also at the food court, old market area, end of Kuching Waterfront.
 A dish of mixed mushrooms....
And a dish of "mother of all mud crabs", this 1 crab weighed 1.1kg at RM35/kg. Just look at the size of those claws compared to a Nokia hp. The flesh was fresh & crispy, WOW!! Can't find this in K.L.
 This is the stall to find those big crabs at TOP SPOT FOOD COURT at the top of a 4 storey car park, located just behind Tune Hotel Kuching. There are many stalls here. Look for the  '25' signboard.

 Breakfast before flying back to KL, Kolo Mee again at Chong Choon Cafe. Simple but good breakfast!

Me at the Kuching landmark, cat statues with Tun Jugah Mall in the background, behind McD sign. I'm facing the waterfront.

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